Headamp controls are disabled, please check on the SETTINGS page:

  • AES50 AUX channel must be set to 02: Control HAs by multiverter's web interface
  • Headamp type must be set to the appropriate type
  • Channel




    No connection

    Check if the multiverter is connected to the network and powered up.

    Firmware inconsistent

    The multiverter's different firmware components do not match each other. This could result in unpredictable errors and malfunctions and is therefore strongly discouraged.

    Please make sure that you upgrade all parts from the same firmware package:

    • FPGA/Frontpanel over the USB port, by running MVR-Updater.bat on a Windows computer
    • Dante over the network, by running Dante Firmware Update Manager (Windows only) to load the file *.dnt contained in the firmware package.

    Currently installed: FPGA , Frontpanel , Web

    SRC capacity exceeded

    You have routed more channels between different clock domains than the SRC has capacity. Current routing requires:
    channels between clock domains A→B ( available)
    channels between clock domains B→A ( available)
    Excess channels (bottom-most/right-most on the matrix) have been muted. Remove unused channels from the routing to make this warning disappear.

    What are the limits?

    The SRC works bi-directionally, i.e. converts from clock domain A to B, and from B to A. The maximum number of channels in each direction (A→B x B→A) depends on the highest sample rate used in the system:

    • 128 total with flexible direction assignment, when the highest sample rate is 44.1/48k
      Depending on the routed channels, the SRC is automatically configured as 128x0, 112x16, 96x32, 80x48, 64x64, 48x80, 96x32, 16x112 or 0x128 channels.
      This requires either an SRC-128, or SRC-64 with firmware 2.0 (currently installed: ). In previous versions it's 64x64 fixed.
    • 64x64 fixed when the highest sample rate is 88.2/96kHz
    • 32x32 fixed when the highest sample rate is 176.4/192kHz